The School Yard
"It does not matter what other people say or do. What matters is how I choose to react and what I choose to believe about myself. I cannot change another person. I let others be who they are, and I simply love who I am."- Louise Hay
I wrote this quote on my facebook page last week or so and I was amazed by the positive reaction of some of my FB girlies. I believe and practice this.
A similar quote from Wayne Dyer:
“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”
Gone are the days when I get upset from what people think of me or people getting agitated when I don't do exactly what they want you to do. "Oh your after doing something I'm not gonna tell you what it was here is your penny back you are out of the gang." "If he doesn't ring me two days after our first date then I'm not having anything to do with him"... Oh give me a break.. Give people a break! Don't set up obstacle courses for people to complete with consequences when they don't even if they do not even know you are playing games with them. Whatever happened to people talking things out or have an argument and get over it. Like Adults. But schoolyard antics I can't be dealing with. I have no time to be going over and over and bitching and gossiping about what he or she said or thinks about me. I simply leave them be. Carry on with my own life. This method had given me a lot of peace through what potentially could have been a terrible trying times with family and friends.
You can't change other peoples attitude but you can change how you react to it. This can be hard I know. But try it you will be amazed at the results. Don't waste your time being resentful and giving these problems and people your time or piece of mind. I believe in being positive and trying your hardest to never hurt anyone intentionally. I find then in turn positive things will start happening to you.
I love browsing though motivational quotes. Its good for the soul. Give it a try ;-)
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