Wednesday, August 25, 2010

That sentence right there gives me a tug in my heart.
This is Ann.
This is Barry.
Ann has a car.
Barry has a lorry.
Sigh.. Those were the first sentences I ever read.


  1. OMG I soooo remember this! Dad in the garden cutting the grass while Mother slaves in the Kitchen...

  2. Do you have that at home?? Or did you find it online, gwan ya legend. I'm be currently rereading my highly racist, domestic violence promoting, sexist childhood books....good aul Enid Blyton.

  3. I googled it! I added it to an group on facebook and got so much positive feedback and tag requests that I tought it a good way to start my blog! More of my childhood favethings to follow later:-) Blyton has a lot to answer for- I feel so disgruntled that I have to actually work for a living... Jer doesnt understand where my notions of grandure and expectations come from as he didnt read the likes of her. Batman comics are a far as he got..
